Tuesday, 4 May 2010

Quaytickets launches new Social Media integration

With the addition of http://quay.it/ Quaytickets have now added URL shortening abilities to their event announcements.

By developing their own shortener in-house Quaytickets have the ability to personalise URL's for their clients instead of a random string of text and numbers.

Turning this: http://www.quaytickets.com/WhatsOn/EventDetail.aspx?EventId=4906
into this: http://quay.it/theview

You can follow Quaytickets updates via Twitter (http://twitter.com/quaytickets) and Facebook (http://www.facebook.com/quaytickets).

1 comment:

  1. By developing their own shortener get more instagram followers for free in-house Quaytickets have the ability to personalise URL's for their clients instead of a random string of text and numbers.
